Brand Development

brand strategy

A Brand Is More Than Just A Logo

Engage with our expert branding team for a discovery phase to uncover your goals and come up with a tone, feeling, and visual branding to be instantly recognizable and memorable to your clientele. 

During our brand strategy session, we break down your business to discover your niche market, why customers choose to use your services or products, weaknesses or areas of opportunities, and we build a value-proposition statement. We utilize the information gathered to discover your true brand to define how you would like to represent your company visually. 

The process


Discovery Session

Sit down with our team (yes, real people to talk to!) and we’ll take you through our custom guided branding package based on the services you need.


Ideation Phase

The VM Team goes off and gets to work. Coming up with different concepts, ideas, and a plan to execute what your company requires in terms of branding.


Reviews & Revisions

Nobody’s perfect and we want you to love what we create. Let’s sit down again and make sure we’re on track, getting feedback from you and your team.


Final Delivery

Now that you’re loving your deliverables, let’s put a bow on it. Packaged up, we’ll send you all the greatest things we made as a team!

Our Packages

Vigilante Marketing Brand Colours
Vigilante Marketing Brand Colours

our branding work

what our clients say

make your brand stand out

Contact Our Branding Experts

Brand Development
Brand Naming
Logo Design
Brand Starter